Sunday, July 20, 2014

Celebration Barn Day 7

Day 7.
We had the morning off!
Michela's step-dad brought their 2-year old St. Bernard in to say hi before he swept her off to breakfast in town. I stretched, went for my first shuffle of the workshop (jogged), and did some of our Premise series on my own.
After lunch, Fritz Grobe taught a clown-based workshop. It was mostly about how to share a little piece of shit with an audience, breathe, the conversation, and listening. It was awesome, and he's wonderful. Here's a Ted talk of him. Here's his website. He was also in the movie we saw last night (Richard3), looking a bit like this!
After the workshop, Marjo offered to make dinner for everyone. Everyone contributed in their own unique way, and the night was off into a whirlwind of poetry and hilarity.
Nettie picked flowers for the table and had words hidden under our plates. We arranged them to spell out great statements from the day... like this one!
Mike and others went shopping for more food and wine. Adam demonstrated his wine corking techniques...
...and donned his fanciest socks.

Sarah was the kitchen-dance-party DJ... all 80-'s baby, yeah!
Michaela made dessert (chocolate cupcakes with raspberry filling and chocolate gnash on top). We were quick to realize the make-up potential of frosting.
Michaela, Marjo, and Nettie rocked their chocolate clown noses.

Jose took our portraits...

Me and Michaela...

Nettie and Adam...

And me... in my sweet new outfit created from the wardrobe upstairs.
 I absolutely love this place, and feel so lucky to have a group of wonderful people to be living with for these two weeks. We truly are an eclectic, amazing group together. After dinner, we all cleaned up together, then got to work in our groups for our Shakespeare trios that we will show tomorrow. The team I'm part of (with Michela and Sarah) is a beautiful blend of comic ridiculousness, in all of the ways that I love to be. I can't WAIT until tomorrow.

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