Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Celebration Barn Day 10

Day 10.
Wednesday. I love Karen's Premise work. Here two of my favorite statements of hers.
"The body is concentrated imagery."
"Feel no obligation, let go of obedience."
 Those words are true throughout the barn. For our Shakespeare trio, we use a silly foam mask. Davis suggested it would read better if the mouth could move, so he cut a hole in the mouth. I showed Rene (one of the two workshop interns) and she said, "Welcome to the Barn". You can pretty much adapt anything you want here. That's totally how it feels energetically here. No obligation. No obedience. Although... I do feel an obligation to keep my notes, videos, and pictures up and managed. But maybe obligation is not even the word. I look forward to reliving this through these means.
 At the end of the night (11pm), I was so close to going to bed. I was so tired.  But Davis brought up a clown that reminded him of me. Gardi Hutter. So we watched a video of some of her solo show. There was so much there. He told me how close he thinks I am to putting something together. That I have enough pieces already to have a shape for the show. I'll probably need to rearrange them a handful of times to find the flow, and create another piece or two to have it all make sense, but that I'm already close. That kind of blew my mind. In staying up, I also got to chat with the notorious Fritz. In doing so I heard his long-time connection to the barn (he saw his first diabolo act here when he was 8!). 
Hearing that from him, and having my own ecstatic experience with the barn confirms my feeling that this place will be a regular adventure in my life.

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