Saturday, July 19, 2014

Celebration Barn Day 6

Day 6.
We start every day with these floor rolls called the Premise series. The first you roll like a dead body with your arms over your head, then like a crescent moon, then like a dead bug, etc. Here is Monica mid-premise.
We had a half day today, so after the premise, Karen talked about Tony's style of improv, then we went to it. We each took a turn coming out with movement, finding inspiration in that, and going with it... taking it into our unique words of improvisation. It is challenging, but rewarding... and many times, quite surprising and fun! After lunch (and cleanup) a group of us ladies went to the lake!
Michelle even brought here teddy bear of a dog  Rumple.
And I got to hold himmmmm!!!
There were oyster-playing bathing beauties (Taylor)...
 And 50's-esque, super-hero beauties (Michaela)! In keeping with the theme of pushing my comfort zone, challenging myself, and facing my fears... I went into the lake and swam (very close to the entrance) by myself. Whew!
 We got back to the barn and hung up our suits, then got ready for the show tonight. The "Public" is coming for a viewing of a movie, Richard3.
 In preparation, I took pictures of this piece of art outside.
There was a silent auction inside, where I saw this awesome auction item!
My friend Rod's juggle lesson! He is one of the people who told me I must go to the Celebration Barn. Thanks Rod. We watched a funny movie by many current and past members of the barn about Richard the 3rd. It was clever, silly, very entertaining. This place is full of so much magic, creativity, and inspiration. I already can't wait to come back!

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