Friday, August 5, 2016

Clown class with Aitor

I was fortunate enough to take a two week Master Clown class with Aitor Basauri. He is a very kind, hilarious, smart, creative teacher. I would absolutely take a class with him again.
Here are some of his quotes from my notes:
When playing comedy, there are two things going on simultaneously - the scene, and the game.
The audience likes us when we are ourselves.
If you don't try to be very good, you will be very bad.
When you feel vulnerable, look at the audience.
If you make fun of yourself, there is no room for the audience to laugh at you.
Your commitment is what we laugh at.
To be repeatable for a laugh, play with the details.
Clowns don't stop trying.
A clown is very good or very bad, in the middle is not a clown.
Our pledge: I am going to give you everything I have.
In group scenes, make a big situation so you can destroy it together.
Come out with pleasure.
Clowns create material that is very bad. And it is so funny.
Play like you mean it. Like you are going to do/be the best.
Commit BIG to each idea.
We might not learn anything, but we experience.
Notice if the audience is liking the game, play that.
Take what you are creating to the end.
If you aren't going to be funny, be beautiful.
Do the exercise/performance to the best of your abilities.
As a clown, it's important to always have audience to create material.
When you enter, do something to make audience think, 'Oh good, we are in good hands'.
Always have an end prepared.
Don't be afraid of making decisions.
Rule of thumb: explain less, do more.
We need to see the stupid idea of the clown in the beginning.
Clowns must write their material.
The game Mister Hit, with Zee, Lara, Christine, Roberta, Tom, Kylee, Guest.
The second week class
Lara, Della, Zee, Kimberly, Tom, Aitor, Brandon, Molly, Kylee, Christine, Roberta.

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