Friday, June 28, 2013

Random things I like in San Fran

So I had no idea San Francisco was so pretty! I've definitely done a poor job of actively seeking out all the things, or remembering to capture the scenes once we happen upon them, but I thought I'd share a selection of random things I DID capture. Like this park here... it spanned twice as far and wide behind me.
 I definitely enjoy random sidewalk art, like this beauty.
 Three vaccume cleaners, just kickn' it on the sidewalk, no big deal.
 Jeff Lefferts has a banana sticker on his car. The two times I have seen his car parked not at his house, there has been a banana peel next to it... not from Jeff! I parked Vince next to this little yeller without knowing, and when I saw it I just laughed out loud and thought fondly of Jeff.
Along with seeing random street art, I also adore finding scraps of lost or discarded paper with words on them. This one says... "Summer dancing in the winter sun, don't look now I've come undone". Sweet, right?
Another rediculous love I have, is for little dogs. I can't say I'm proud of it, or that I try or want to feel so squeely around them, but oh shazam... I can hardly contain myself, and typically my joy is so overwhelming, my eyes start to tear! Tears of joy! So much joy! Just look at these two! Mo and Lilah... uuuuuh!
 At one point they were both crawling/jumping/laying/licking/wriggling/rolling/snuffeling all over me! I was in heaven! Tiny dog heaven! I also took a video of them playing... you can find it here!
 Other things I've enjoyed while here are all of the parks, bike riding (trying and occasionally succeeding climbing outrageously steep San Fran hills!), taking yoga classes, being warm, practicing doing handstands (which I havn't been able to do for so long due to years of chronic shoulder pain/issues), singing with Marks choir class, and taking Dance Classes! Those classes have been my especially favorite thing that I really hope to continue when I get home. Hooray for interesting, beautiful, and inspiring things within an adventure!

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