Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sh'Bang 2017

This Sh'Bang was another lucky year that Dad was there! He brought homemade booze and fed us hot-cakes and sausage every morning. What a guy!
The Aquatic circus show... that's Sadye and me as the Blue Ballerinas.
Wren and I did our juggling act, we added spitting water, which Wren is surprisingly good at, to keep with the water theme.
 Wren always helping me carry things.
Our friend Britt during Sh'Build.
 The cast of "Who Killed Wannabe Joe".
 I just found out the name of the show.
 And I'm Wannabe Joe.
 I tried to hide and pretend to be a tree to get away. It didn't work. I was killed 12 times over two days and three shows.
 The Big Circus Show. Wren performed his cigar box routine. This is the pre-finale, with Sadye as a hot dog. There were many great puns and religious references, all hilarious.

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