Friday, September 16, 2016

Boundary Bay Birthday Party

We were invited to Boundary Bay's big Celebration!
Daniel was part of our group... see his magic ball behind the pint?
 See his upside-down face in the ball?
 Here's Wren on stilts... see the tiny girl being amazed by his tallness? Or maybe just his juggling.
 We did a lot of passing clubs while people walked through our pattern.
 We did our three acts for the show. Our ropin' cowboys act...
 And our goofy hat act, along with our juggling act and a Shari Vari. Daniel did two acts as well. It was a good time.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Wren and I performed our variety show at the beach stage.
 I took Deanna Fleysher's Naked Comedy workshop.
So did Helios.
 Here I am as Wannabe Joe in a snippet of the Westward Ho's Spaghetti Western.
 Aaron and Kat captured in some amazing moments.
 River and his Kurly's Kart. 
Wren and others playing volley club.
Teasers: HERE one minute, Karla MiLugo;s 1.5 minute HERE, a 6 minute teaser HERE (dad's in the first few seconds of this one!)!